13 Quotes & Sayings By Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is an author, columnist, editor of Newsweek International, host of CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" and host of the biweekly podcast "Fareed Zakaria GPS." He is also a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the editor in chief of the International Herald Tribune. His books include The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, The Post-American World, which was selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 Best Nonfiction Books. Zakaria has received eight honorary degrees Read more

He lives in New York City.

In 1778, Jefferson presented to the Virginia legislature "A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge, " in which he argued that all forms of government could degenerate into tyranny. The best way of preventing this, he wrote, is "to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large." The study of history could serve as an especially effective bulwark, allowing the people to learn how to defeat tyranny from past examples. Jefferson would return again and again to the importance of education in a democracy. Fareed Zakaria
We have not noticed how fast the rest has risen. Most of the industrialized world--and a good part of the nonindustrialized world as well--has better cell phone service than the United States. Broadband is faster and cheaper across the industrial world, from Canada to France to Japan, and the United States now stands sixteenth in the world in broadband penetration per capita. Americans are constantly told by their politicians that the only thing we have to learn from other countries' health care systems is to be thankful for ours. Most Americans ignore the fact that a third of the country's public schools are totally dysfunctional (because their children go to the other two-thirds). The American litigation system is now routinely referred to as a huge cost to doing business, but no one dares propose any reform of it. Our mortgage deduction for housing costs a staggering $80 billion a year, and we are told it is crucial to support home ownership, except that Margaret Thatcher eliminated it in Britain, and yet that country has the same rate of home ownership as the United States. We rarely look around and notice other options and alternatives, convinced that "we're number one. Fareed Zakaria
Jefferson's fear was that without such a system of public education, the country would end up being ruled by a privileged elite that would recycle itself through a network of private institutions that entrenched their advantages. Fareed Zakaria
Because of the times we live in, all of us, young and old, do not spend enough time and effort thinking about the meaning of life. We do not look inside ourselves enough to understand our strengths and weaknesses, and we do not look around enough - a the world, in history - to ask the deepest and broadest questions. The solution surely is that, even now, we could all use a little bit more of a liberal education. Fareed Zakaria
I should have paid greater attention to my mentor in graduate school, Samuel Huntington, who once explained that Americans never recognize that, in the developing world, the key is not the kind of government – communist, capitalist, democratic, dictatorial – but the degree of government. That absence of government is what we are watching these days, from Libya to Iraq to Syria.(“Why they still hate us, 13 years later, ” Washington Post, 09/05/2014) . Fareed Zakaria
The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people, and must be willing to bear the expense of it, " [John] Adams wrote. "There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves." Jefferson's fear was that without such a system of public education, the country would end up being ruled by a privileged elite that would recycle itself through a network of private institutions that entrenched their advantage. Fareed Zakaria
The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell. Fareed Zakaria
The technological revolution at home makes it much easier for computers to do our work. Fareed Zakaria
What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and '60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies. Fareed Zakaria
Politics and power is a realm of relative influence. Fareed Zakaria
In a very weak economy, when you say 'cut government spending, ' what you mean is you're laying off school teachers and you're de-funding various programs that put money into the economy. This means you have more unemployed people that then draw unemployment benefits and don't pay taxes. Fareed Zakaria
Americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. They didn't mind others being rich, as long as they had a path to move up as well. The American Dream is all about social mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can make it. Fareed Zakaria